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  1. Only will be considered for publishing original articles that are not simultaneously submitted to another publication. The publishers are not responsible for damage or loss of submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts should be addressed to: 

    Eduardo Guerrero Gutiérrez
    Email: [email protected]

  2. Authors should meet the following guidelines:

    • Articles in Spanish will be translated into English, and those received in any other language will be translated into Spanish. Translations will be made by the journal.
    • The maximum extension of the articles will be 35 pages with double spacing in Times New Roman 12-point size font.
    • Charts, tables, graphs, and any other analysis must be attached in the original manuscript in an Excel or Word file.
    • Along with the manuscript, should come the following information:

    1. Title of the article, which should be as short as possible, otherwise, it must include a short title.
    2. An abstract with an extension between 80 and 160 words.
    3. Keywords (according to the following indexes: PAIS International Broad Topics Classification System;UNBIS, United Nations Bibliographic Information System; , OECD Macrothesaurus )
    4. Name and nationality of the author.
    5. Institution and post.
    6. Address, telephone, fax and email of the author.

    • The articles submitted must be in Word format.
    • Citations must be as follows: (Eaton, 2004: 45).
    • A complete bibliography should be included at the end of the work in alphabetical order and under the following directions:

    1. Books: Ackerman, John and Irma E. Sandoval.2005. Access to Information Laws in the World, Mexico: IFAI.
    2. For a chapter in an edited book: Baltazar, Atzimba and Juan Pablo Guerrero. 2004. "The Federal Institute of Access to Public Information" in Hugo A. Concha, Sergio López Ayllón and Lucy Tacher (Eds.), Transparenting the State. The Mexican Experience of Access to Information, Mexico: UNAM.
    3. For journals and newspapers: Leiras, Marcelo. September 2010. "The Decentralization Process and the Nationalization of Party Systems in Latin America" in Politics and Government Vol. XVII, No. 2, pp. 205-241.

  3. The manuscript will be subject to an editorial opinion conducted by two anonymous specialists. According to their assessment the article submitted may be: 
    • Widely recommended for publication.
    • Recommended for publication only if it improves its quality according to the indicated terms.
    • Not recommended for publication.

  4. The journal is open to receive books, theses and web sites reviews for the review section. We suggest to the authors to consider criteria such as date of publication of the book, thesis or website reviewed, and its influence in the area of transparency, access to information and data protection. Reviews must have a maximum of 200 words. 

  5. Authors must sign a transfer agreement and/or a licensing of rights, though not exclusively, and fully demonstrate its ownership over the rights of the work. Formal acceptance and the designation of the issue in which the article will be published are conditioned upon submission of the mentioned documents and the proof of ownership rights over the work, so that they are published and distributed in an electronic version.The author or authors retain the option to freely distribute these articles for academic purposes.