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Luis Carlos Ugalde

The article studies how the transparency agenda of political parties in Mexico has evolved since 2000 and the obstacles it has faced. It suggests that this is a pending item on the agenda of Mexican democracy that can start to change based on the constitutional reform of 2013 that includes political parties as subjects bound to transparency at the constitutional level. The paper discusses the corrupting effect the rising cost of campaigns has produced on the political and economic system’s operation. It closes by providing ideas on how to fight the corrupting effect money produces on politics.​
Lisa Bhansali and Paulina Soto Téllez

While focusing on the Latin American region's experience and progress in fighting corruption and enhancing transparency during the last 20 years, the article seeks to share how international institutions have addressed the complexities of corruption through various systems. As a result, we have seen differing approaches put in place to support governments in their efforts to tackle this global issue through greater regional collaboration. In that sense, the article presents the most recent developments in both the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, focused on increasing recognition of country systems and the real need to strengthen institutions at the state and national levels, instead of  'ring-fencing' their operations.  The article then suggests that such a strategy has the potential to induce deeper changes and lasting results in the fight against corruption and for greater transparency in the long term.​

Manuel Alejandro Guerrero

Departing from a revision of a wide range of empirical literature on corruption, this work contends that a crucial dimension for understanding the contexts where corruption practices occur is to focus on how the institutional and legal frameworks are regarded in a given society. The article proposes the existence of a trade-off between how people perceive the “honesty of institutions and their civil servants” and their own willingness in entering into corruption practices. Beneath such practices there is a worrisome finding that has recurrently appeared in the author’s field research: the institutional-legal framework in Mexico seems to be perceived as illegitimate, optional and inefficient. While this perception might imply bad news for consolidating the rule of law, and consequently democracy in Mexico, the author of this study ends up offering some positive findings: in the first decade of the transparency law, individuals seem to acknowledge some incipient optimistic changes.​​