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This is the transparency website created by the Institute of Social Security Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) that features three tools to query information relevant to users and beneficiaries. The first tool allows users to query the updated list of ISSSTE retirees. The next tool includes the full list of registered beneficiaries and allows users to verify the correct application of the contributions paid and years of seniority recorded. The third tool is the supply control panel that allows beneficiaries to query the availability of the medication or medical supplies required by a beneficiary’s medical unit. Transparencia Mexicana periodically tests these tools through a Citizens Report that is also available on the same website.​​


This website developed by the Municipality of Naucalpan offers its residents an interactive tool they can use to submit requests or direct reports to the City Council in a fast and secure manner. Some of the services featured by this application include basic grocery baskets, home improvements and legal advice. Residents can also report potholes, problems with the sewer, street lighting, cleaning, pavement and sidewalk systems. All requests and reports are sent through an online format or through social networks or SMSs or by phone. The application also features a query service citizens can use to consult the progress made on their requests, as well as georeferenced information on matters addressed.​


This website developed by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) provides interactive ratings on State and Municipal Budget Information. These ratings assess the quality of budget information provided by all 32 Mexican states and 364 municipalities, according to the best practices catalog that includes matters related to transparency, and access to information and open data. The web page provides fact sheets describing the strengths and weaknesses of each state and its municipalities with respect to their budget information and global economic data. It also offers a tool to compare budget information between states and municipalities. The website contains information from 2008 through 2012, the year in which the IMCO published the latest Budget Information Index.​


The Government of the State of Sonora designed the Transparent Sonora Portal website to integrate government information for its citizens. In addition to providing information that must be made public by law, such as its directory, organizational structure, and rules and wages, among other data, it also provides performance indicators by the agency and industry, and quick procedure guides and agency evaluations on compliance with their obligations related to transparency and access to public information, and statistics on information request services. The website also offers users a tool they can use to file complaints against civil servants and report the misuse of official vehicles. The Transparent Sonora Portal is one of the few statewide efforts that have focused on transparency in Mexico.​


This is the website the British Government uses to publish government data in compliance with “open data” parameters. Users can download more than 10,000 databases from all government agencies and some local authorities in different formats. Information published on the web page is able to develop applications or analyze public policies implemented by the government. The portal features a text search engine to query databases, and an advanced search engine based on georeferenced information provided through maps. This georeferenced search engine allows users to select an area on a map to see all databases associated with that location. The website also features the option of querying information contained in databases that are not yet available on the portal. The portal is probably the best example of an open data public policy worldwide.​


The Open Government Partnership website is a multilateral initiative created to foster transparency practices, empower citizens, fight corruption and use information technologies to strengthen democratic governance among partner countries. The initiative was founded in 2011 by Mexico, Brazil, Great Britain, the United States, Indonesia, Norway, the Philippines and South Africa and is currently supported by the governments of 60 countries. This website provides information on each member country’s action plans, listing each government’s commitments and the relevant developments and events related to open government in each nation. Mexico is currently working on one of its commitments that consist of developing a single government portal (​


This is the website managed by the Central Information Commission of India, the government agency responsible for ensuring and promoting the right of access to public information. Citizens that do not receive the information they seek can go to this website to register and track their complaints online. The process consists of having the Commission consider the complaint and issue an opinion that may require the agency to deliver the requested information or verify that the data does not exist or is reserved. Applicants can appeal the Commission’s decision online. The web page also displays information on the Commission’s structure, and its members and guidelines that can be used to draft complaints and appeals. This is one of the most significant decisions the Commission made in June 2013, when it determined that political parties are bound to disclose information about the public funds they receive.​


This website can be used to query the Global Right to Information Rating prepared by Access Info Europe, an NGO promoting the right to information in Europe, and the Center for Law and Democracy, a Canadian civil organization that promotes the right to information, participation and freedom of expression. The objective of the Rating is to evaluate the strength of the regulatory frameworks related to the right to information in 89 countries by assessing the following seven areas: the right to information, procedures used to apply for data, exceptions and denial of the applications, appeals, sanctions and safeguards, and promotional mechanisms. According to the index, Mexico ranks sixth on the right to access information. Serbia is ranked in the first position with the Dominican Republic ranked in the last position.​
